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Home > South Shore Library > Meeting Minutes > 2006 > July



July 10, 2006


Present: Carlson, Solberg, Gonsior, Adank, Koehn, Lazorik, Swenson, Swanson, Gucinski


Meeting called to order – Minutes approved as presented with following corrections:

June minute changes approved by TOC Chair - the change were to pay EMTs $100 per person per year for mileage traveling to continuing education. Gonsior’s name was added to present list for June meeting as it was missing


No treasurer’s report given    




Vests will be ordered after tonight’s meeting


Herbster Centennial Sunday, August 6


Sally Bowers joined us as a representative from the Herbster Cenntenial Committee – asked EMTs to take tickets for the quilt raffle, proceeds will go to the HVFD and SS Ambulance Service. EMTs

are to bring baked goods to be sold at the hall. Bake sale proceeds to ambulance service.


The EMTs will purchase brats, etc and keep the proceeds. The hall need to be clean before that weekend – Thursday August 3rd beginning at 5pm – Marcia showed the beach balls, stuff bags, pill containers, pens and candy all marked with South Shore Ambulance sticker.  Start 10 am, doing blood pressures, glucose checks and have open house, Marcia needs to know who will be available for that day.  


Christmas appreciation discussion tabled until October meeting


Photo IDs – Jan will come (maybe) to take pictures at the August meeting


Joan’s hands on equipment training – only one 1st responder showed up. She will set up a meth training in the fall


Permission has been given by the town to move memorial sign from the Herbster Park to the new ambulance hall – Frank will take care of


Signs for the front of the ambulance - Frank will take care of


Needed classes – Everyone needs to have completed NIMS700 and ICS100 by September 1, 2006 – can be done on web


T-Shirts – Safety green – have been ordered


All are to get the large parts of the license renewals to Marcia ASAP


Orris was told he cannot function as an EMT or drive the ambulance until Marcia gets his license renewal


$1400 was received from WEPS program for general expenses. 


Marcia attended the CPAP training in Ashland – several others have taken the training - once the equipment is in service – we must guarantee a CPAP certified EMT on each run. Porta Vents (brand most likely) will hopefully be purchased in a county group at recognize more savings.  Marcia is hoping all will be trained by January 1, 2007






Run Discussions    


Discussion on problems with dispatching of calls – Marcia will be taking our ideas, problems and suggestion to the EMS council. Also a discussion on the problems with radio communication – again.


We did not get a grant for radios as some of the services did.


Should start oxygen tank testing in September – a few at a time.


Two names were mentioned as possibilities as taking the class. Cindy Lazorik will contact Jim Held. He and any others would have to be interviewed by the committee before signing up for the class.


A motion was made and seconded to go to the cascading system for filling oxygen tanks. Carried. Frank and Larry are willing to label all the big and little tanks and fill any empty little tanks left at the hall so folks can exchange empty little tanks for full. We will start getting the little tanks hydro tested thru Chicago Iron in September.


We need to start working on next year’s budget to present to the TOC in September. There is some confusion as to who’s paying drivers from the various fire departments. Judy Rosenwinkel will likely attend the Ambulance 4 Town Board to discuss this.


Bag Phone – Frank will purchase from Alltell


Adjourned 9pm

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