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Home > South Shore Library > Meeting Minutes > 2006 > October


October 2

Present:            Marcia S.                     Rob K.             Dennis S.                      Joan W.

                        Laurie G.                      Gayle G.           Rhonda A.                    Tam H.


Tam gave Tres. Report

September minutes handed out Motion by Laurie to except 2nd by Gayle motion carried


Marcia reported:           NIMS needs to be finished

1st responders program is in question.  Lack of people…Refresher may not go. Program maybe disolved            .

                                    Discussion on budget

                                    Reviewed letter from Bob Follis

                                    Monday 10/23 training 6:00 – 9:00


                                    Discussion on C-pap                           

New outside lights are ordered for the building

Discussion on GOALS: Have a truck to put the sled

 Improve PR

            Herbster Day activity - Open house at hall

            Corny Day activity

Discussion on December 4 “Thank You” dinner for the towns fire fighters at the town hall. Invites will be sent by Marcia, Marcia will order hams.  Donations for desserts, cheesy potatoes, etc.  Laurie will review retired EMT’s, Tam will check on the number of fire fighters in Corny.      

                                    WARDS training attended by Marcia and Laurie.  On line training at  The service will go on line on 1/1/07. Information will be tracked to look at changes or patterns or problems.  Lots of clicking, many choices, lots of drop down boxes, neat system once you get to know it.

                                    Reviewed Dr. Wesley’s comments on run sheets

                                    Reviewed documentations standards

                                    Reviewed need for explaining long transports, snow plowing a path for the ambulance, snow storms, deer, fog, etc…


Laurie reported:            Oct. 17 meeting for the 4 town board.  Discussion on goals and plowing. 

                                    Discussion on Retirement buy-backs.



Adjourn 8:00 p.m. 



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