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Home > South Shore Library > Meeting Minutes > 2007 > June


June 4

Present: Frank, Marcia, Carrie, Laurie, Gayle, Jen, Dennis, Pete, Donica, Tam Guest: Karry L.

Reviewed May Min Motion by Carrie to except May minutes 2nd by Frank. All in favor

Tam gave an estimate for the Tres. Report due to some changes in payment to the town for the CPAP and a donation by Jim.s Auto. A Thank you will be sent to Jim.s Auto. motion by Jerry 2nd By Laurie

New Bus:
Discussion on helmets for the 4-wheeler. Laurie has 3 helmets donated, reviewed disinfecting needs.

Radio update:

WARDS: Marcia will send a practice copy to each member to review and get familiar w/ the WARDS program.

BP cuff : Marcia reviewed e-mail from Dr. Wesley. Carrie reviewed the CAS-740 model by medical Systems Inc. with the group. Discussion followed. Motion by Laurie to buy the CAS-740. Frank 2nd Motion carried. Do not take the new BP Cuff off the ambulance.

CPAP Reviewed CPAP Do.s and Don.ts. Do not forget the paper work for the CPAP. Reviewed storage location on the ambulance for CPAP. A note will be sent to all on the location. Motion by Frank and 2nd by Carrie to starting using the CPAP. July 2 (the reg. meeting) the CPAP rep might be at the meeting.

Up-Coming Events EMT.s needed: Schedule needed for race times and parade times. Reviewed Herbster Days activities 8/4/07 for the Community Club. Ambulance Open house BP checks at the Pancake feed. Other activities include Corn feed, Brat feed, help is needed up coming in July Ambulance. Pig Roast at Port Wing the same week-end
8/11/07 Corny day Bake stuff needed
9/1/07 Fish Boil
9/2/07 Fall Fest Labor Day week-end
Freeze Pops will be given out at the parades.

Ambulance hall clean up will be Wed. June 20 5:00 p.m.

Training: Wed. June 13 .The Airbag Detective. 7-9 p.m.

Old Business
Exposure reps at the hospital will be Tam and Marcia
Discussion on equipment payments via the town. Reviewed packing lists needs to be sent to the town. FEMA money can be used for some equipment and training.

EVOC training talked about. 14 hours is too much. Carrie will cancel

In-service needs to be checked by Marcia or Tam before you go or the Town will not pay.

Discussion on fall refresher. 10 people needed to run the class.

Run review

Cook out planned for the Aug. meeting w/ Fire Dept.

Adjourn motion by Carrie 2nd by Laurie

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