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Home > South Shore Library > Meeting Minutes > 2008 > February


Febraury 4

Present: Marcia, Laurie, Pete, Rhonda, Tam, Joan, Dennis, Larry Marcia: - Called meeting to order and handed out January minutes - Min. and treasueres. report read by Tam - Marcia added upcoming training to January minutes: C-pap and HIPPA - HIPPA training will be 3/26 at 6:30 at the ambulance hall Laurie made motion to except minutes with above additions. Carried WARDS is up and running. Marcia reviewed color coding and filing. Laurie, Gayle, and Rhonda expressed interest in learning how to do it. Frank and Carrie are trained and can enter data. Marcia will e-mail and/or web site a notice for training on entering data on WARDS. Marcia old bussiness - Assessment page adopted by some services. It was decided that all the information is on the run sheet and we will not add one more piece of paper. - Review Ambulance Signature Form Laurie will change form for our service - The town has hired a billing service, ABS Billing. We need to fax a cover sheet and information/supply list sheet to the billing company. The fax machine is not working at this point. The billing service will send out the privacy sheets. Marcia will let the group know when the system is up and running. Continue to use the card until further notice. - Get all of your paper work to Marcia by the end of May for the Wisconsin License renewal. - Policy and Protocol for Non EMTs driving the ambulance was reviewed and OKed. Non-EMT and EMT drivers need training. September training for drivers is not mandated at this point but it is coming. Training for the trainers will be in September. In-house training will follow. - Law states you must use the lights and sirens or no lights and sirens. - Marcia reviewed the lost money the town has lost again from the state. Laurie and Pete will work on - Ambulance grant needs to be written for a new ambulance. March meeting will be used to review the different types. Marcia collected information on 3 different ambulances makers. Marcia will have ambulance reps come to the hall to review different ambulances. Date to be announced. Joan will set up a TBI, 2 to 4 hour training sometime in April, through St. Lukes. She will also set up a 6-wheeler training this winter. Dates to be announced. New business -Marcia reviewed state updates: BOTTOM LINE NOTHING IS SET IN STONE Changes in driving and training  Licenses - Indivual licenses Basic Refresher - Renewal time - Discussion and financial brainstorming on the direr need for a new cot. Pete posed the question and discussion followed about the fire department and ambulance dual calls. Laurie - talked about the sign-in issues on the schedule. Call or e-mail Laurie ASAP if you are having any problems with signing in. - 1st responders should come to the HIPPA training Up coming events: April 12 smelt fry Meeting was adjourned and moved to the ambulance to look at the cot.

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