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Home > South Shore Library > Meeting Minutes > 2008 > July


Present: Marcia, Dennis, Cindy L., Gayle, Joan, Pete, Larry, Frank, Rhonda, Laurie, Stacy

Correction to June minutes adding the word medical to the announcement of a new medical director being named

No treasurers report, more money needs to be put in ambulance

Marcia has been in contact with Rainbow Appliance repair - they will fix the hall dryer soon

The last big oxygen tank we have is on rig, more has been ordered

New radio on rig not working correctly. St Lukes AND St Mary must be contacted on the St Lukes channel, if anyone has the rig uptown during DSC working hours and has time they are to take it there for a short repair.

A new pulley was put in the ambulance

Driver protocol was discussed

All watched a video on the on loan stair chair, costing $ 2250. Marcia will ask if we can keep it on loan one more month. We will decide at the August meeting if we plan to purchase it. A discussion on possibility of using the expected gift from the South Shore Trail Club for the purchase money.

The cost was paid for with $2400 from the Herbster Community Club, $4000 from civic clubs in Port Wing and $3900 FEMA money . Thank you notes will be written to all those who contributed.

Frank spoke with Mike Kelley - Frank feels Mike now understands he is not to pull the ATV to the scene unless there is another firefighter with him

Cindy L informed us that it is better to have Standard Operating Guidelines rather than protocols, as SOGs have more wiggle room

Marcia has applied for a grant for peds kits

Nothing has been heard back on the ambulance grant that has been applied for. Discussion on what is needed on the new ambulance

Marcia will gather information for the South Shore Ambulance 4 Town Board on how many runs and in what township, the amount spent on ambulance repiars and damount of time each repair put the rig out of service for their next meeting

A rather lengthy discussion followed on how much and who will pay for EMT continuing education. Further disscuosn and any possible changes will take place at the August meeting

Joan will provide nebulizer training at the August meeting. A minority of services showed interst in adding lead training at the County meeting

A basic class in Ashland will run from 9/4 thru the end of February - one and two nights a week

Some EMTs should try to be present at Herbster Days 8/2+3, and Corny Day 8/9 Meeting adjourned

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