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Home > South Shore Library > Meeting Minutes > 2008 > September


Sept. 8, 2008

Present: Marcia, Rhonda, Carrie, Cindi B, Joan, Gayle, Dennis, Tam, Larry

Carrie made a motion to except minutes 2nd by Cindi. Motion carried.

Tam read the tres. report. 2 New donations for the past month. Many thanks to Dennis and his mom for the White Elephant Sales

New Bus:
1) Peds kit is here. Dennis will put it together.
2) No reimbursement from the ATV club for the stair chair. The raffle did not go well. The stair chair is paid for.
3) Table driving protocol until Oct. Training class next week end. Marcia and Carrie will not go next week because the training is for fire dept. not ambulances.
4) Oct 17, 1:00 p.m. School disaster drill
5) The service was present for Corny Day and Fish Boil
6) Budget due in Oct. Will up on call paid per hour due to gas increases.
7) Marcia brought up doing another dinner for the fire dept. and past EMT's Sunday, Nov. 30 is the dinner date at Herbster Gym and deadline date for all training for reimbursement. Frank got $200.00 from Wal-Mart to be used for the food for the Nov. 30 dinner. We will review the budget for possible mugs or something.
8) Marcia reviewed budget expenses
9) EMS council dinner Sept. 21 at the old Hermitage in Iron River. Happy Hour 5:00 Dinner 6:00. Price range $13.00 - $20.00. E-mail to follow.
10) Discussion on Life Line calls
11) Discussion on training in Oct. or Nov. for hands on training. Joan will send out the e-mail for mandatory yearly training.
12) Reviewed runs
13) Discussion on buying a plant in memory to the family of Erica Hoagland Simpson. Gayle will take care of the plant and card.

7:30 p.m. Adjourn by Rhonda 2nd by Carrie

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