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April 6, 2009

April 6, 2009

Present: Gayle, Pete, Dennis, Stacy, Cindy L, Joan, Laurie, Rhonda, Tam

Laurie ran the meeting do to Marcia being called to a family emergency. Carrie is gone. Laurie passed out the March minutes, WARDS narrative, Incentive & Reimbursement Program, and Draft for agreement between the Town of Clover and the South Shore Ambulance, Inc. for review.

Rhonda motion to except the min. Stacy 2nd Motion carried.

Tam read treasurer's report, Motion to accept - carried.

Old business: Laurie called for Opening for nominations. Nominations were accepted, 2nd was accepted, called 3 times, and nominations were closed. Discussion followed. It was decided by the group that one person should not hold 2 different positions. Nominations as follows:

President: Pete Marcia
Vice President: Carrie
Sec/Tres: Tam
Training officer: Rhonda
Privacy officer: Laurie
Purchasing: Dennis

Voting will be open via phone call in between 7 p. m. and 7:30 p.m. CST. Tam will monitor the phone for any calls. Laurie called for a unanimous vote of the uncontested officers if no one calls in with a nomination. 2nd by Gayle, motion carried. Ballot vote will be taken after 7:30 p.m.

Tam: Showed the new Protocol 3-ringed binder. Discussion followed about the number of binders, copies and dividers needed for each person. Binders will be brought in by Joan. Pete will check on dividers. The Protocols are on line for anyone to review. Not everyone wanted a hard copy. The electronic version is fine. Questions about how changes are made to the protocols were discussed. Laurie reviewed notes from Marcia for the meeting. Marcia sent a letter to Cindy & Mike of ABC billing asking about changes in HIPPA. What paper work is sent? NPP? Laurie will make contact with ABC to clear up any questions.

Dates for cleaning the hall: Dates have been put off for 3 months. Reviewed dates for cleaning the hall. Date set for Wed. May 13, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. Pizza will be brought in from Woody's. Laurie will post on the web bulletin board. Stacy will bring hooks for organizing. Dennis: Talked to Bound Tree representative at Telmark for 3 different airway trainers for adult and infant torso. A book was passed around with pictures, prices and descriptions. Cindy talked about the pros and cons of the Bound Tree airway torso. Cindy stated the Nasco head fits on the old Annie and works the best. Cindy and Dennis will check the Annie and CPR line for the correct head replacement. Discussion on the best options. Laurie made a motion to let Dennis and Cindy go ahead with the purchase of the airway trainers. 2nd by Gayle. Motion carried.

Portable suction should not be hooked up to the shoreline. This is recycling the batteries and wearing down the batteries. During the ambulance checks turn it on and check to see if the low battery light is on. It takes 10 to 17 hours for the battery to charge. It should be put on the charger every six months. A fully charged suction should last for 60 min. Discussion followed on what to do if the suction is being charged. How will we let others know it is being charged? Should we look into getting a second section? Discussion on the budget followed. Laurie will get a copy of the budget for Laurie and Dennis. For now leave a note in the ambulance if the suction is out of the ambulance being charged.

Laurie: Reminder everyone that paperwork/run reports should not be left out on the desk. Please keep papers in the file cabinet and locked.

Laurie will contact Eric and Cathy about the bike event in July. A bike group will be biking through our area Tuesday, July 14 Anyone interested in helping at the school for EMS week please contact Marcia and Carrie for times and dates that the ambulance will be at the school for EMS week. Marcia and Carrie will need money for EMS week treats for the school.

Discussion/Review of the Incentive and Reimbursement Program. Suggestions were made to change the qualifications should be listed and reorganized. Dates need to be put on documents for drafts, revisions, and dates in effect. Discussion on changes to meeting the incentive followed. Decisions were tabled. Review the program at home and bring notes and revisions to the May meeting.

Discussion on the Draft agreement EMTs and the Town of Clover, Driver policies and 6-wheeler policies was discussed. Because the documents had many inconsistencies and needed some wording changes all revisions on them were tabled until the May meeting. All are to review at home and bring ideas to the May meeting. Note from the Medical director: All runs are to be entered within 7 days except P&B, Combi Tubes, or any incident relating to a death. These must be entered with 24 hours. WARDS: Runs need to designate WHO is the driver, WHO went on the call. Anyone can be trained on WARDS. Ipecac is no longer needed on the ambulance Discussion on representatives for the South Shore Advisory board and the Fire Associations - Should this be a director's job or should it be spread out for others to help with? Discussion followed and tabled. Review ideas and thoughts for the May meeting. Anyone interested in showing up and working at the Smelt Fry - April 18 3-7 p.m.

RUMOR Control? Pete stated he wanted a written report (to see what people have learned at conferences) brought to the meeting to be reviewed by the service at large.

Check book: Yes we are incorporated.

Lights and Sirens: discussion followed and will be tabled. Cindy will bring in Trans 309 will be brought up the lights and sirens

New business: Dennis: Presented the Heat warming blanket. One is on the sled and one is on the ambulance. Showed the Cincinnati Pre-hospital Stroke Scale on cards he got from the Telmark conference. *Special note* This is new protocol.

Laurie: Run Review. Some questions were brought up on why a decision was made to do something. As a group this was decided this should be discussed with the people on the run, now and in the future. Any questions should be brought up with the EMT's involved. Any things that can be learned for the greater good of the service should be reviewed in the meetings. Tam: Reported Congratulations to Pete for president.

Pete: The Ambulance will be in Corny on April 7, 2009 for a training exercise with the Corny fire dept. The ambulance will still be in service. 3 EMT's will be at the training.

Stacy: Anyone interested April 26, 2009 St. Lukes dinner at the DECC.

Stacy motion to Adjourn Rhonda 2nd Motion carried

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