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Home > South Shore Library > Meeting Minutes > 2009 Minutes > July


July 2009

Present: Pete, Cindy, Dennis, Frank, Tam, Joan, Laurie, Rhonda, Gayle, Larry

Guest: Jan Victorson: Bayfield County Emergency Government
Mike Siedel - Clover Town Board

Jan Victorson: Reviewed the changes in the 2006 Bayfield County Emergency Response Map Booklet.

Pete: Reviewed power point on the By-laws and the EMT vs Ambulance

Mike Siedel introduced himself to the group.

Laurie made a motion to except the by-laws to as presented in the June meeting. 2nd by Rhonda Discussion followed - Gayle asked that steps to take at the August meeting might include even more changes in the by-laws. Motion carried. Frank and Dennis abstained.

Laurie had 2 questions - . One being is there any protocol when a Bayfield County Officer needs to be called to come to a call. The second - what determines when a bystander may or may not help at a scene.

July 18 Fireman Appreciation event has been cancelled and hopefully will be held in October.

New Business -

Documents we need to find. Establishment of Articles of Incorporation and 501©3 for the EMTS not the ambulance.

Bayfield County Protocol books were handed out - each EMT signed for their copy.

Protocol for lead EMT on calls - how crew EMTs can/should assist. This would apply to a call with one patient or maybe a call where there is an EMT lead for each patient when there is more than one patient.

Helicopters rules and regulations - largest number of crashes ever in 2008. Reminder - patients must be considered critical before calling a chopper. It was brought up that intercepts and choppers should be called "after" assessing patient's needs.

Protocol review - looked at new NO TRANSPORT forms. Discussion followed on WARDS and no transports. We need an "Infection Control Policy" to be reviewed with each EMT each year. It was reviewed with those still present at the meeting. Frank and Tam had left.

Meeting Adjourned

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