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Home > South Shore Library > Meeting Minutes > 2010 Minutes > August 2, 2010

August 2, 2010

August 2, 2010

Pete, Laurie, Dennis, Cindi B, Tam, Gayle.

Minutes approved by Cindi 2nd by Dennis approved.

Pete and Tam reported on EMS council meeting.

  • The process has started to have Dr. Schultz as our primary Medical Director.
  • For EMTs who have an issue with a Dr. or nurses at the hospital. New QA forms will be available to be used to inform Dr. Schultz of problems via fax to St. Lukes.
  • FYI we maybe able to do other meds in the upcoming future. Epi maybe be delivered via Epi draw instead of the Epi pen due to cost.
Pete reported about the importance of documentation on the run forms. Be very specific on the narrative. Medicare has declined to pay due to a poor narrative. Discussion followed. Key is DOCUMENT - DOCUMENT - DOCUMENT

Pete reported on the reprinting of the state ambulance reports. Discussion followed: on what is needed on the ambulance reports as well as printing the ambulance reports. (The state will no longer provide the services with forms.) Gayle and Laurie will look at other companies for lower price and lower volume of printing replacement ambulance reports.

Pete reported on local training: Helicopter training done in Herbster in July. Training was very well received by firefighters, chopper staff, and EMTs.

Pete reviewed budget ideas. Budget ideas include:

  • increase pay to director
  • ambulance replacement fund
Discussion on budget followed.

Pete reported on a meeting by the Department of Health (DHS) 110 meeting on Friday August 6th at 6 p.m. at WITC in Ashland. This is an informational meeting for anyone who wants to come. Examples of some changes coming from the state:

  • New licenses fees for EMTs (including volunteers)
Discussion followed.

INSERVICE: Pete reviewed slide show on equipment on the rig.
   Dual Head Radio
   GPS units
   Cell Phones
   Environmental controls
   Automatic Blood Pressure: (Leave the cord plugged in to the top outlet)

Adjourn 8:30. Motion by Laurie 2nd by Cindi

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