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Home > South Shore Library > Meeting Minutes > 2011 Meeting Minutes > January, 2011

January, 2011

Present: Joan, Laurie, Gayle, Marcia, Dennis, Pete, Rhonda, Larry, Tam

Meeting called to order by Pete.

No treasurer’s report. Secretary’s report from November presented in written form and approved.

Jonathan Shultz and Keith Wesley will be sharing the medical director position.

The South Shore Fire Association has been dormant is now functional again.


We are now 100% in the LEADERS run report system. Since December 1, 2010 nothing has been entered in WARDS and will not be from now on. When runs are entered in LEADERS they will automatically be migrated into WARDS within 3 days. Anyone can enter runs into LEADERS, but only the director can “complete” the run.

A CF-19 Panasonic Computer was purchased for the rig along with the license and programming and a 5 year contract. All will be in place some time in February.

Tam from the BAC-EMS meeting – QA/QI forms will be in rig – from MMC but can be sent to any hospital.

Discussion on the poor service received form ABA medical. LEADERS will be billing the patients that had not been billed by ABA. Pete has not had good results in trying to contact ABA.


We MUST use fractional mileage and be certain to get ALL NECESSARY SIGNATURES. LEADERS must be filled out completely, legibly and correctly. For now,  Pete will do all the entering of runs into LEADERS. All were reminded to ALWAYS check for the “frequent flyers” patients so they don’t get in the system twice. The patient MUST sign.

New rescue sled discussion – after all information was presented the group liked the Kabota the best. It was decided that a “quick” purchase was not a good idea. Pete will contact Dan from Mason, as that’s the rescue sled they have to see when a group from South Shore might be able to go take a look at their sled. There will be an ice rescue practice at Meyers Beach (date TBA). NPS will be there and we are hoping to trade our rescue sled with Mason for that day so we can actually see how it works.

It would probably cost about $150k to replace our rig. This will be discussed at the four town ambulacne board meeting later this month. We need a Type 3 rig. Pete is checking on purchasing a demo rather than a brand new rig.

Marcia asked if her daughter Bev (currently a 1st responder) who is taking the EMT class right now could do “ride-a-longs” with us. Pete will check on the insurance and legality.

The need for an auxiliary was brought up and it was put off until after the meeting. Laurie and Marcia both expressed interest in getting it up and going.

Meeting Adjourned

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