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Home > South Shore Library > Meeting Minutes > 2011 Meeting Minutes > February 11, 2011

February 11, 2011

February 7, 2011

Present: Stacy, Dennis, Marcia, Cindi B, Larry, Laurie, Tam

Carrie called the meeting to order. 6:35 p.m.

Marcia made a motion to except the January minutes Stacy 2nd Motion carried.

Tam reported on the changes to happen on the South Shore Area Ambulance checking account. Tam will get a new checking account set up for the South Shore Area Ambulance. The $500.50 from Stewart Bent check will start the account. This account will need 2 signatures. This new account will be with the Town of Clover. This new account will be reported at the monthly ambulance meeting.  This new account will be reported to the town monthly or quarterly (to be determined). Discussion followed.

Tam reported in the Ashland/Bayfield Co. EMS Council. If you think you need a chopper call for it. Do not ask dispatch “Is the chopper available?” Just call and request the chopper. It takes 10 min. to warm up and get a weather check. The average calls have been taking about 10 minutes longer than when then when the chopper was in Duluth.  The fixed wing takes 20 minutes to get to Ashland. Discussion followed. Bottom line…Call early - call often. 

Laurie reported on the 4 town meeting. Laurie talked about the Ambulance contract with each town.  An ambulance replacement schedule is set for a 10 year rotation. Discussion followed.

Carrie reviewed the Town of Clover Ordinance Authorizing South Shore Area Ambulance Department to hold volunteer funds. Discussion followed.

Laurie made a motion to have maximum $1,000.00 per check budgeted for the Ambulance Account with the town Marcia 2nd the motion. Motion carried.

Group reviewed ambulance information. Discussion followed.

Adjourn motion by Cindi B. 2nd by Marcia motion carried.

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