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Home > South Shore Library > Meeting Minutes > 2011 Meeting Minutes > May 2, 2011

May 2, 2011

May 2, 2011

Present: Rhonda, Stacy, Laurie, Dennis, Joannie, Gayle, Larry, Pete, Judy Rosenwinkle, Cherie Kurtz

Meeting called to order by Pete.

Minutes: Stacy moved to approve, Gayle seconded to approve previous month’s meeting minutes as printed

Treasurers Report: None Given

BAC Meeting Report from Pete: MMC not willing to work with us on without a paper copy. We will continue with paper reports for all hospitals.   This is supported by Dr Schultz. Until further notice we will continue to give the ERs hand written paper reports. We will do the electronic run report on the return trip home on FieldBridge (the laptop). DHS 110 says form must be acceptable to all hospitals. Pete will check into how other services are dealing with this.

DHS 110 rules state that all runs must be entered in LEADERS within 24 hours. The run report once entered into LEADERS then becomes available for distribution as required. Intercepts, deaths and attempted suicides require medical review and to be COMPLETED within 24 hours.. There is a way that these runs can be highlighted to make them easier to find if we have a run, EMTs are required to send Pete an email notifying him there was a run so he can make sure it is in LEADERS. Please include a run number in your email.

Individual responses for assistance: Dan Clark present at the BAC meeting. Presented a case where and EMT was accused of sexual assault. That EMT had no witnesses to refute the claim. When there is a request for assistance a 911 page will occur requiring ambulance and two EMTs. If you get a personal call to take a blood pressure reading or to render aid we are to make it clear that we are not operating as a South Shore EMT, but as an individual.   It is better to have 2 EMTs so there is a witness. The Good Samaritan law will cover us if we come upon a scene where aid is necessary but not if a friend or neighbors calls an individual EMT for help. This is to avoid any liability issues. If an EMT goes to render any aid or assistance they assume all responsibility.

Intercept channels: Two intercept repeater channels may be used in the very near future to reach Ashland paramedics and Gold Cross. Stay tuned for those details. The BACOM channels now have excessive chatter, which is very disruptive to the dispatchers. Only necessary communications should be verbalized. We are trying to have better connects to Gold Cross. This is not available at this time DGFIR Maple is on Channel C. We will be notified when this is up and running. This will allow us to talk to the responding unit utilizing repeaters for greater range. For Ashland it might be possible for us to use EMS A.  

Dan Clark, BASO reports Bayfield County has the highest incidence of drug overdoses and attempted and successful suicides per capita in the state. Clark said it was an “epidemic” in the county.

Bayfield County Sheriff’s Department is looking for donations for project Life Saver. This program provides a wristband for people that wander and are likely to get lost. The start up cost would be approximately $6,000 for the program. This would be available to persons visiting our area from other areas. For now the system is not active but may be available this year for persons with memory issues.

OLD BUSINESS: The decision was made to purchase the Braun ambulance. It is felt that the service is better with Braun. Service would come from Lester Prairie, MN which is 4.5 hours and they are willing to give us a loaner rig is ours needs to leave the area for service. The company makes regular 3- 4 month tours visiting their customers to make sure everything is functioning properly. Some items will be stored in different places than we are used to. Pictures were shown of some of the storage options. A virtual tour of the rig was shown. A choice was made as to the outside taping design.

Pete will likely be bringing the new rig here May 27. The Braun service folks will come up and do the conversion from the old to new rigs will be either June 6-7. They will move the radio from rig to rig taking roughly 6 -7 hours. Pete will receive training while at Lester Prairie. Each EMT and driver will need to be trained on the new rig, before actually going on a run.  ALL dates are subject to change. The intent is to get everyone trained on the new rig, especially the electronics.

There is a potential buyer for our present rig. All with the new rig is tentative as TOC is working on funding.

May 6 – EMS/FIRE Day at the South Shore School. Marcia sent a tentative plan. All were asked to come is possible.

EMS Assistance Protocols for Firefighters and EMTs were handed out. Pete will be going to each fire department to present the new protocols. Suggestions for improvement were made and will be passed on to the fire departments for comment before being put into effect.

Discussion on purchasing some type of uniform clothing to wear on runs. Thoughts were that were would look more professional. Rhonda will look into options for some type of uniform looking clothing. This will be presented at the June meeting.

Pete asked that the corresponding Fire Department be paged out for any run for the South Shore EMS run. Bayfield County Sheriff’s Department said that is not county policy.

Reminder that we are to be the last service (after the fire department) to leave any fire. Unless entrapment or injury is noted by dispatch, fires are non-emergency responses.

No date has been set for the state ambulance inspection. The inspector was told were are to get a new rig soon. An inspection may or may not happen at all.

Rig will be going to Jim’s tomorrow morning to have brake work done. This will take 1-2 hours.

Cleaning of the rig and hall that was schedule for Thursday, May 5 is postponed and will be rescheduled later as the rig is pretty clean and there is no reason to clean pre-inspection.

Stacy presented training on LEADERS. Reminders as to how to fill in the various drop downs (i.e. locations, intercepts). It is very hard to correct these items once they are entered. Reminder that the computer records much of the information just by choosing a button that says record time. Everyone on paper and computer should use a 24 hour clock. 

Laurie passed out draft payrolls to all. Any differences need to be sent to Laurie by 5/15. There will be a final sent to each EMT June 1 with a one day turn around time so the payroll can be sent to Sheryl. This will allow her to get the pay requests to the TOC meeting so the checks can be approved at the TOC June meeting. For those not at this meeting Laurie will email them their draft pay sheets for review.

May 11 at 1pm there is a drill at the South Shore School with an “active shooter.” The ambulance will be dispatched as non-emergency. The inclement weather date will be May 18 at the same time.  May 25, 3:45pm there will be a debriefing event at the school library. Pete asked for volunteers to be in attendance.

Meeting adjourned at 9:25PM.

Next meeting June 6th, 6:30 PM at the ambulance hall

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