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Home > South Shore Library > Meeting Minutes > 2011 Meeting Minutes > September 12, 2011

September 12, 2011

September 12, 2011

Present: Pete, Gayle, Cindi B, Stacy, Cindy L, Laurie, Rhonda, Dennis, Marcia, Joanie, Tam, Frank
In-training: Patti S
Town Rep Judy R.

Treasurer's report: South Shore Ambulance fund $50.00. South Shore EMT's $1450.00. Checks need to be written (EMT account): Marcia: $25.52 for candy for Fish Boil. Gayle: $22.00 for gift.

Pete and Tam reported on Ashland/Bayfield Co. EMS Council meeting:
Ashland County has changed form wide band to narrow band. The MN hospitals and chopper is not changing at this time. MMC is working on it. The changes have gone better than expected. Radio changes will be completed for Bayfield County the last week of September. An e-mail will be sent out on the exact time and date the radios and pagers need to be at the hall.
1) Wide Band to Narrow Band
2) BACOM (Bayfield County) is changing to BALG (Bayfield County Local Government)
Pete reported and discussion followed on up-coming training and refreshers, Ashland Fire contract. The chopper can be used to search for someone but not to rescue them. Iron River EMS is part of a pilot program using wrist bands and bar code to follow a patient. Each service can get the first 250 bands for free. Being called off or sent home from a multi-agency scene should be done by the IC of the incident.

Training: EMS Life Quest video: HIPAA TV

Laurie sent in $1272.00 for the Sounds of Sirens raffle.

Pete reported on the Field Bridge computer. You do not need to sign all the way in to sync the computer. Check the cap lock. Computer will automatically put in the run report number. To print you need to be with in 3 feet of the printer. Sit in the captains chair.

Pete reported By-laws name changes EMR's formally 1st responders. Changes go in effect October 14, 2011. Gayle made a motion to except Rhonda 2nd motion carried. 1 Nay.

Gayle reported on the data collected on times and dates for EMS refresher. Discussion followed.

Long discussion on dates for the refresher. Cindy L was advised of the dated chosen and will send out a schedule when the class is scheduled.


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