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Home > South Shore Library > Meeting Minutes > 2011 Meeting Minutes > October 3, 2011

October 3, 2011

Oct. 3, 2011

Present: Laurie, Marcia, Dennis, Gayle, Stacy, Patti, Larry (EMR), Judy R (TOC), Tam

Gayle called the meeting to order Review Minutes: Motion by Marcia 2nd by Patti to except. Motion carried Treasurer Report: No money in, no money out Bayfield Ashland EMS Council Meeting: Annual meeting was in September Election of officers = no change. Gayle reported upcoming fire training through WITC on October 15.

Gayle reviewed problems found via Life Quest. Life Quest requires us to scan the FASE Sheet - no longer will it be faxed. Get Signatures (patient, EMTs, hospital personal) phone #, SS#, insurance cards, etc all need to be included. Pete has set up scanner in ambulance. Discussion on cheat sheet for a reminder to what is needed pasted to computer.

Gayle reviewed Landing Zones for the South Shore Area. Discussion on Landing Zones followed.

Marcia asked if anyone was interested in having the December meeting at the town hall with a dinner with the 3 fire departments. like we did in the past. Auxiliary would foot the bill. Marcia will bring up the idea of a dinner with the fire departments. Discussion followed.

Stacy presented power point on Radio and Pager Training.

Adjourn: Motion by Patti 2nd Laurie motion carried. 8:20

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