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Home > South Shore Library > Meeting Minutes > 2012 Meeting Minutes > June 4, 2012

June 4, 2012

June 4, 2012

Present: Laurie, Gayle, Cindy L, Dennis, Frank, Patti, Marcia, Tam, EMR: Paul, Larry

Guests: Sanita Jones; Midwife and Town of Clover rep: Sheryl Isaksson (Liaison)

Minutes reviewed, Motion by Laurie, 2nd by Patti, Motion carried

New replacement for Judy R. as the town rep. is Sheryl Isaksson

New Business: Presentation by Sanita Jones Midwifery practice in the area and coordination with EMS. Sanita reviewed her background, skills, training, & equipment. Discussion followed on terms, protocols, and logistics.

Treasurers. report by Tam. No money went out or in.

BAC report: Tam stated No report, BAC meeting for May was canceled due to weather.

Old Business: Laurie reported on incentive. Reviewed point incentive. Discussion followed. Incentive update and review was tabled for another meeting.

1) EMR Incentive inclusion discussion. Patti moved that if there is enough money in the budget the EMR's will be included in this year's incentive program and to include them in the next budget. 2nd by Frank. Motion carried. Marcia Motion to wave the ambulance checks to 3 check in the next 6 months for the 2 EMR's and the one new EMT 2nd Laurie Motion carried.

2) Run review; Hypothermia. Discussion followed. More hot pack and cold packs are needed to be kept in rig.

3) Table, putting attachments into Field Bridge/Leaders.

4) Radio WISCOM update by Cindy L.

New Business:
1) Gayle reported on the 2013 Budget Process. Try to get both sides of the insurance card scanned and attached to runs if you can. Discussion followed. Sheryl reported on pre-buying gas and showing the costs monthly.

2) Table: a) Hospital maps to patients/families
b) New mobile phone for ambulance (lets wait to see how the new ATT tower works)

Marcia reported on Bath Salts and Heroin. Make sure that you have backup. People that are high on some drugs have increased strength. Drugs are here and on the rise.

Laurie motion 2nd Patti motion carried to send $50.00 to the Fleming Scholarship Fund as a memorial for Ruel Fleming

1) Check the BAC web site Upcoming Event dates

2) Next meeting: July 2

Adjourn 8:30 Motion by Laurie 2nd by Cindy Motion carried.

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