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Home > South Shore Library > Meeting Minutes > 2012 Meeting Minutes > November 5, 2012

November 5, 2012

November 5, 2012

Present: Gayle, Patti, Dennis, Tam, Joanie, (Not a quorum due to ambulance call) Returned from ambulance run: Marcia, Frank Remained at run: Laurie

Reviewed October minutes. No motion to accept due to no quorum when the meeting started.

BAC EMS meeting: Gayle reported that the by-laws will be reviewed. No Doctor report. 10/22/12 the pager test was done with the back up system due to the regular system going down the week before.

Patti reviewed EMT/EMR Incentive and reimbursement. Discussion followed.

Gayle reported: SSAA awarded the Ag Star grant for $1040.00 radio charger and battery.

Gayle reviewed: training and business meetings. Discussion followed. Motion by Marcia: Starting January 7, 2013 all odd months will be business meeting and even months will be training meetings. 2nd by Patti. Motion carried.

Marcia reported on the meet and greet this December.

Gayle: Tabled VFIS program requirements 2012 end of the year budget Use of SSAA funds Reminder WMESA conference in Jan. 2013

Gayle reported: As of Jan. 2013 the ambulance phone will not work due to the digital format. We will look at a TRAC phone.

Patti made a motion to Adjourn 2nd by Joanie. Motion carried. Adjourned.

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