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June 5, 2006


Present:  Marcia S.                   Danica C.                     Joan W.                       Stacy J.           

               Dennis S.                   Laurie G.                      Carrie B.                      Gayle G.

   Tam H.                      Rob. K.                        Orris S.                        Cindi B.


May meeting notes Laurie motion. Carrie 2nd. Motion carried.

Sec./Tres. Report


Old Bus.

Marcia reported:           1. One 1st responder and 1 EMT re-cert missing

                                    2. Review Town agreement. Discussion on #2 mileage. Mileage for Laurie G. made a motion we will pay up to $100.00 per person per year at the going state rate for mileage on continuing education only not meetings.  2nd By Carrie B.  Motion carried


3. Photo ID should be in July


4. Herbster Day  Aug. 5 (10:00 – 3:00) BP will be taken; hand outs will be given out.  Discussion on what to give out.  Magnets?   Parade give a ways beach balls, pops?  Marcia will order give a ways.



Laurie G. Reported:   ATV reg. needed for the state.  Laurie sent it in and paid for it.

DNR does ATV training.  ATV cert. is needed for insurance.  Laurie will look into ATV training.  Discussion on training and come-a-long.  Frank took chains off 6-wheeler.  Flaps will be ordered via Marcia.


Marcia  asked about     1.  riding the trails to review locations.  Landing strip at Beadmeyer will be plowed all winter.

2. Doors will be reviewed for venting in the hall


Carrie B.:         EMS week activity at the school. (Fire safety and burns.) 

Went well k-6th gr.


Rob K. Reported:  on Corny Day needs bake goods.

                                    Fire Asso. Meeting on Sunday


Marcia S. reported       1. Run review ATV please do not pass up EMTs ready to go on a call.

2. Discussion on Training.  Discussion on drug training. Joan will look into it and contact the school.

3. Air bag training June 14 at Washburn

4. Discussion on t-shirts and jackets

5. Discussion on radio batteries and radios.

6. Tanks need to be checked and re-pressurized.  Laurie will check with Chicago Iron and Steel if they check medical O2.

7. Discussion on Corny 1st responders not going through re-cert

8. Discussion on cell phone for amb.  (Digital bag phone).  (Should be here in about 1 month.)  We will need to find a place for the new phone so it will not get stepped on.

9. Discussion on large garbage can, soap, dryer sheets, rug/runner, needed for hall


Joan W.           1.  Will have a day/evening of training to review equipment Date to be announced on the web site/message board.  Marcia will e-mail Larry to inform the 1st responders.


Run Reports

Marcia S.         1. Life Line review.  We are not mad at Port Wing fire dept. Thank you for your help.  All problems should be brought to Marcia S. and or Carrie B.  Do not take things in your own hands.

                        2. Discussion on fire call

                        3. Review on run reports.  Fill out completely, use form to help you. Write  so people can read it, PRINT,  not in Nurse talk.  Marcia will fax run reports.


Laurie G. motion to adjourn Carrie B. 2nd Motion carried


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