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Home > South Shore Library > Meeting Minutes > 2007 > January





Present:  Marcia S.                               Dennis S.                               Laurie G.                               

Pete S.                    Tam H.                   Gayle G.


Marcia called the meeting to order

Tam reviewed Sec. Tres. Report.  Motion by Laurie and 2nd By Gayle Motion passed.


Old Bus.

                1. December Dinner went very well.   Fire department and past EMT’s many thank yous.  It was our Thank You to the area Fire Departments and past EMT’s.


                2. Goals 1.) One year goal to have an order date for a New Ambulance.  Marcia said we should ride in Iron River’s Ambulance as a sample.  Reviewed run mutual aide for Iron River.  Town does not want new rig to be 4-wheel drive. Many ideas were kicked around including saving the old ambulance and what we need and want on the ambulance.  New Ambulance Committee will review options and bring it back to the group.

                2.) On going goal recruitment

                3.) Short term goal what is the difference between active and non active EMT’s


New Bus.

Reviewed incentive and reimbursement program. Judy requested a change under Part II Section F Working special functions 5 points per day are for the townships covered by the South Shore Area Ambulance.  Working special functions will include pre-approved EMT representative at EMS meetings listed: South Shore Board meetings, Town meetings, MDEC, ARTAC, Ashland /Bayfield Co. EMS, Bayfield Co. Communications


Part II Section G will be added you must meet your incentive in order to have your continuing education paid for the next year.  Discussion on what is continuing ed…is CPR?  Refresher?  Will review for next months meeting.


Refresher is due this fall Discussion on options week-ends? Once a week?  Twice a week? End of Oct?


Laurie reviewed program through Bayfield Co. as a senior service community needs.  See Laurie with a list of helpers or persons in need.


Marcia reviewed the need and wants for the DSL in the ambulance


The ambulance was not called.  The fire dept. was called to help lift.  The ambulance does not turn a wheel the ambulance run report is not needed.  Do not make out a run report. 


Insurance names and numbers are needed for billing.  A face sheet is needed for billing.  Do not worry about tenths of miles.  Practice sheets needed.  A review will be done next month. EMTs should be practicing on the WARDS system.


Asked Pete about questions, turn out gear and radio needed for Pete when he meets the time needed and paper work filed. Pete introduced himself.


Reviewed run from Sunday night.  









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