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Home > South Shore Library > Meeting Minutes > 2007 > March


March 5

Present: Frank, Carrie, Marcia, Dennis, Gayle, Joan, Laurie and Larry B – 1st Responder

February Secretary’s Report Approved as Presented
No treasurer’s report given

Old Business:

Marcia will let everyone know if the planned CPR training will be given at the April meeting.

DSL should be installed by the second week of April.

CPAP will be ordered when we get set up (thru the county) with the Bound Tree buying group.   Some EMTs still need to get the training.  Marcia will look for information on a portable bp cuff so we’re ready to buy when we get the $$.

Joan will be getting more information on cots too much money for now, we will have various vendors to demonstrate when we are ready to purchase Marcia will check with Jan V as to when the radios might arrive.

Laurie and Gene are still working on the weekly check list being added to the web page.

All EMTs are to fill out new W-4s and give to Marcia.

Election Results as follows (no opposition for any office)
 Director – Marcia
 Asst Director – Carrie
 Sec/Tres – Tam
 Procurement – Dennis
 Training – Carrie + Joan
 Privacy – Laurie

A discussion on consequences for not fulfilling responsibilities, for example, not having training paid for the year after not meeting the incentive. Nothing was decided, but all present agreed that everyone needs to be more responsible. For example, if you commit to doing something either do it or let someone know you wont be doing it so it still gets accomplished.

Laurie will make new highlighted run transparencies, each person will get a scanned run sheet and we will go over them, so WARDS can be introduced to all. WARDS will be mandatory January 1, 2008.

Everyone was reminded to drive responsibly and according to road conditions. Any vehicle pulling the rescue sled will travel behind the ambulance.

Runs were discussed.

Discussion on what types of things need to go on a grant to be shared with the fire department.

We need to show more of a “presence” in the communities we serve. All were asked to think about what else we can do for PR type events. A health fair was mentioned.

Meeting Adjourned


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