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Home > South Shore Library > Meeting Minutes > 2008 > March


Present:            Marcia, Laurie, Rhonda, Dennis, Frank, Dennis, Larry, Pete, Cindy, Stacy

                        Tam, Carrie


Marcia: Wednesday, March 26, HIPPA Training and School disaster review time               change from 6:30 to 6:00 p.m.  Fire Dept. are invited.

Wis. Lic materials needs to be sent to Marcia by May.


Laurie:              Gave update on donations and grants

Discussion followed.  Cot has been ordered and will be here in 30 days. A rep will come to the hall and review the new cot. 


Marcia: Medicare Requirements.  Tam gave Marcia a Medicare mandated           signature form. 

                        Cont. Ed. registration needs to be paid for by Tam before a conference

                        Rob needs to send Marcia his paper work.  Letters sent to Rob.

Smelt Fry Apr. 12 Workers needed.

Marcia sent in a radio grant for the ambulance, Radio discussion followed.


Tam reported on the EMS council meeting from Feb. 28

            Marie Cupp is the local expert on WARDS please call her if anyone has a question 373-5751.  Marcia will call her to see if she could come to SS to do WARDS training.  Marie was asked to come to the next EMS Council meeting to review questions.

            Radio reprogramming needs to be done by March 30 in order to have it paid for.

            Anyone going to the Radio training is TO GET 2HR. cont. ed.

            Be Somebody Campaign is asking for a $100.00 donation from each ambulance service for TV adds during EMS week in May. Discussion followed. Marcia made a motion for us to send a check to Chuck for $100.00. 2nd and carried.

            Discussion on paper work to be left at the hospital.  Leave the run report and a  good narrative.


Laurie:              EMT’s need to tell Laurie they had a run in order to have her send the privacy paper work. Billing company will send privacy paper work when they are fully on board.


Adjourned to C-pap training


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