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Home > South Shore Library > Meeting Minutes > 2009 Minutes > March


March 2, 2009

Present:  Marcia  Dennis  Rhonda   Larry  Tam  Carrie  Frank  Laurie  Gayle

Motion to approve minutes by Frank 2nd By Rhonda motion carried.

In reviewing, the statement and purpose and organization by-laws Section 9: Laurie brought a question about the privacy papers given to the patients on each run and the billing company sends privacy papers. Laurie asked if she needs to keep track of the paper work. Discussion followed. Laurie will continue to send privacy papers to each party if were not given on the call.

Cleaning date for the hall will be in April the date will be set next month.

Comb-tube: Discussion on comb-tube. (Still waiting on a return call)

CPR re-scheduled for Monday, March 9.

New Business: July 14 a bike group will be in the area. We need to have a presents while the group is peddling from Washburn to Superior.

Discussion: on grant money for a new ambulance. Laurie will review grant money application changes.

New file: cabinet next to the computer desk. Marcia reviewed the location of the new key for the file cabinet. Make sure you file the run report in the new file cabinet to be entered into WARDS.

Emergency Preparedness Program is supporting the EMS Ambulance services with Personal Protective Equipment at no cost to the service. This is part of the Pre-Hospital preparedness initiative. Marcia sent in the application.

Review new check off forms. Discussion followed. The ambulance needs to have the engine fluids checked. Look for oil/fluids on the floor. On meeting night the engine fluids will be checked. Records need to be available from our checks and 2 times a year from the mechanic.

Officer Elections: Next month. Some folks are not going to be at the next meeting. For the folks who are not at the meeting they can call in to the hall between 7:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. We will have one person in charge of the phone. Marcia will send an e-mail reminder to everyone.

Phone Issues: Discussion on the phone issues on the 911 and port Wing exchange.

Anyone needing a refusal form for their bags please grab one. Marcia brought them out. Motion to Adjourn by Laurie 2nd by Gayle. Motion passed

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