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South Shore Library
Meeting Minutes
2010 Minutes
> February, 2010
February, 2010Feb. 1, 2010 Present: Marcia S. Dennis S. Carrie B. Rhonda A. Tam H. Larry Joan W. Gayle G. Cindi B. Carrie called the meeting to order. Reviewed Nov. minutes. (No meeting/minutes in Dec. due to Christmas party. No meeting/minutes in Jan. due to refresher class) Marcia motion to approve the min. 2nd by Joan. Motion carried. Tam reported on the Jan. EMS council meeting. Dues and web services will increase for this year. Dues per service $150.00 Medical directorship $650.00 Web schedule service $150.00 Asso. Memberships $75.00. Discussion followed about the changes in the EMS council billing. Due to increases in insurance web services and lack of billing for web service for 5 years. Billing will be done in the beginning of the year with a 60 day due date. Discussion on whether or not we as EMT's should pay for the Web service since that is not something the state requires. Carrie made a motion for the EMT's to pay for the Web Service part of the EMS council billing. Gayle 2nd motion carried. Tam will contact Steve Cordes and will send a check to Steve for $150.00. A rep form Life Link III talked to the group about calling the airship and where the chopper is coming from. There will be an increase in time to the scene with the airship coming from Rice Lake or Hibbing. A group from the council will be reviewing the LZ for the county. Discussion on Life Link III airship. As a group we reviewed the list of guidelines on when to call for a chopper. Auto Launch suggestions were listed to be reviewed as part of the protocol. Protocols are on the web site. Electronic version was sent to the services by Jan Victorson. Services can make hard copies or electronically. The groomer drivers are making note of intersections of road and trails with GPS. This will be available for all services if you want. Carrie continued with New Business& Frank was going to talk about the firefighter rehab. But this was tabled. Pete was going to talk about WARDS this was also tabled. The question was asked: What do the EMT's pay for? Training with reimbursement yearly by the town. EMS Asso. Membership, office supplies (stamps, etc.) EMS dinner, Christmas dinner, parking, hotels Herbster Smelt Fry: The question was asked, What do we spend the money on that we get from the smelt fry? Discussion followed. It was decided to look at medical equipment. Gayle made the motion that the funds be used for Additional Needed Medical Equipment for the EMT's Joan 2nd motion carried. It will be a group decision on what equipment will be bought based on the amount given to the service. 1st responders can be used in the back of the ambulance. They are not just for driving. Dan Clark is interested in doing some winter training Feb. 13 at Valhalla Dr. Westley will be coming to the area Feb. 24 -28. He will be contacting us later this month to come up with a meeting time and date. EMS week in May. Marcia will look up the theme for EMS week. Discussion on ideas on activities and give-aways. Discussion on programs for the elementary and high school. Training: Coming up in May. Driving class: 3 hours class room 1 hour behind the wheel at the Port Wing Fire Department. Patients on a cot have a higher center of gravity when the cot is up. Be careful when moving the cot in the up position. Try to have someone on each side to prevent tipping. Marcia asked for copies of the updated by-laws. Larry reviewed the O2 tank lifter. Rhonda reviewed the CPAP. Cindi made the motion to adjourn 2nd by Gayle motion carried.
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