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Home > South Shore Library > Meeting Minutes > 2010 Minutes > September 13, 2010

September 13, 2010

September 13, 2010

Present: Pete, Marcia, Joannie, Laurie, Dennis, Rhonda, Tam, Larry

Pete: Introduction to the newly appointed Town Chair Jane Bucy.

Minutes reviewed: Motion made by Laurie to except Aug. min. 2nd by Joan. Motion carried.

Tam: BAC report: EMS annual meeting in Bayfield Thurs. Oct. 7, 2010. EMS Council meeting October 7 PM. Thursday 28. Dr. Shultz will be our Medical Director. (Transfer date to be announced)

Pete: WARDS: 36 runs recorded for 2010. Pete showed power point on run stats. 2010 up with trauma and crashes.

Insurance up-date: The town is sticking with VFIS for the insurance.

The billing agent has over $30,000 of unpaid ambulance bills over the past 2 years. The town has looked into a collection agent. The town is going with a new billing t/collection agent. LifeQuest will be the new billing/collecting agent. They operate on 3 phases&
Phase 1: Send bill to person and insurance companies
Phase 2: TRIP = Tax Refund Intercept Plan.
Phase 3: Collection agency

Radio: Bayfield County will go to narrow band this spring (April- June). Dates TBA. Discussion followed.

Stuart Brent Memorial Fund: $976.00 will be split 50/50 between Herbster fire and ambulance departments.

Reviewed power point for the budget for 2011 year: Increases to $10750.00 increase to officers pay. Decrease on-call pay (we have not met the budgeted amount in 3 years.) Big budget item is radios. Discussion followed.

Laurie asked about a fire run that needed to be entered in HIPPA 8/24/10.
Reminder to all who do laundry need to dry the laundry.
Laurie asked questions about the ambulance checks. Discussion followed.
Let Laurie know what other events you are involved in for the incentive program/records. Reviewed: points system for incentive program. Discussion followed.

Marcia reviewed runs with group.
Christmas dinner party Monday Dec. 6 6:00 p.m. Port Wing

Pete: Fire training: Wednesday October 13 at the South Shore Elementary School in Port Wing 6:00pm classroom & 7:00 pm fire.

Meeting moved to ambulance to take photos for the insurance company. 8:20 p.m.

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