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Home > South Shore Library > Meeting Minutes > 2010 Minutes > October 4, 2010

October 4, 2010

October 4th, 2010 6:35pm

Pete, Rhonda, Cindi B, Marcia, Dennis Gayle, Larry

Minutes from the September meeting were approved by Rhonda and 2nd by Marcia

No BAC- EMS report given

Pete gave a report on the South Shore Fire Association and the legal issues affecting the association.
   · SSFA is reorganizing with new by laws and clear direction on where the association will be headed.
   · The SSAA will now be a voting member of the association.
Next meeting of the South Shore Fire Association is Oct 19th, 2010.

Lengthy discussion on the budget that was submitted. The Town's budget committee is proposing a significant cut to the SSAA proposed budget bringing the 2011 budget just just over what was spent in 2009.
Pete will present the SSAA proposed budget next Tuesday at the TOC monthly meeting.
We do have unspent money this year - Pete presented and the group reviewed a Wish List totaling ~$13,754.00.
WARDS review - 44 to calls to date
With LifeQuest billing services, run entries will be made into a system called LEADERS. It is similar to WARDS so the transition will be easy. LEADERS will then migrate the run data into WARDS for record keeping.
Stay tuned - Pete will keep us updated

Still missing one pager and one radio

Fire Departments have asked to be called out at the beginning of calls for lifting assistance instead of waiting to be called once you get to the scene.
There is money available for travel expenses up to $100.00 per EMT per year.
You must submit this to Pete and he can turn it in.
Need to have odometer readings on the form, to be reimbursed at state level up to $100.00.

TRAINING: Propane Burn Simulator October 13th South Shore Elementary School
   Everyone is encouraged to attend. TIME :1800

Wisconsin State Ordinance 66.0608 - this deals with EMS Donations
   · Pete presented a proposal he intends to submit to the TOC, this will allow the EMTs to have their own account. Please refer to the document for review. Pete can mail it to you.
   · At this time we have approximately $6-7,000 in our account. This would allow us to have up to $15,000
   · Requires a report submitted to the TOC with our expenditures and balances.
   · This would make us legal to accept donations and donations to be tax deductable.
   · This also will be presented at the October TOC meeting.

Run reviews presented.
Helicopter request: Remember the chopper will not fly until they have been given a designated LZ.
This can always be changed once you're on scene. Get them in the air.
The GPS is in the ambulance. Everyone should make themselves familiar with it and ask for help if necessary. The copter only needs to know the number on the screen and they can find you.

Discussion on repeat patients and what to do with them, continue as always just make sure that you document what you see.
If you think there are problems in the household talk to law enforcement.

There has been a new thermometer ordered for the ambulance, THANKS Dennis.

Motion to adjourn at 08:45 by Rhonda 2nd by Cindi.

Submitted by MS

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