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Home > South Shore Library > Meeting Minutes > 2011 Meeting Minutes > June 6, 2011

June 6, 2011

June 6, 2011 Present: Judy Rosenwinkle, Pete, Gayle, Dennis, Joannie, Rhonda, Laurie

Meeting was called to order by Pete, minutes from the May meeting were read and approved.

No treasurer's report

Pete reviewed the notes from the May BAC meeting.

New Business- The TOC has asked Pete for the May bank statement. Pete responded to them saying we had signed the agreement with the town that only required monthly bank statements. Judy will report back to the TOC with that information.

Cindy L reported on the BAC-EMS council meeting. MDAC has set up PHTLS training classes so there are a number of instructors to train all others in the area. Emergency management is providing any other service other than care giving and requires that Form 206 MUST be filled out. LifeLink will do search and assist - not search and rescue. LifeLink wants all services to use EARLY ACTIVATION which is puts them in the air even before and EMT arrives at a scene if the dispatch of a call seems (to the EMTs) like something where the chopper might be needed. They would rather be called out and then stand down rather than being called late in the call.

Pete will check into providing all landing zone coordinates to LifeLink and a cheat sheet of the sites in the rig.

Dispatch is working on a protocol to encourage the use of plain talk. EMTs are to wait to respond until after the 2 pages for South Shore before responding to dispatch. The first EMT to respond is to acknowledge the page for the service. Any other EMTS are just to state if they are going the scene or ambulance hall, without going through dispatch.

OLD BUSINESS Rhonda will present the information on a uniform item to wear to calls at the July meeting.

This year's basic class will begin September 8 in Ashland. All schedules are available on the WITC website. Several current EMTS having been talking to folks about taking the class. All are encouraged to try to recruit new EMTs.

Discussion on some EMTs that are not getting some of the calls. There doesn't seem to be any pattern to the missed calls.

North Central Ambulance will be coming June 7 planning to take 6-7 hours to switch the radio from the old ambulance to the new. Anyone that can come is asked to come to the hall to help move into the new rig at 6pm June 7. Pizza will be provided.

A wireless printer has been purchase to allow printing of runs thru Field Bridge to give printed reports to intercepts or LifeLink. The inverter must be on to use the printer.

Discussion on run numbering system. Everyone needs to be more careful. Field Bridge will allow 2 runs to have the same number. Reminder to all that TRIP A odometer needs to be reset to 0 when rig is returned to hall after every run. Reminder that patient can sign for billing and receipt of HIPPA notification right on the computer in the rig.

Reports need to be filled out EVERY time the ambulance is paged out. There is no need for filling out a report if there is no page (repair, parade, etc).

Pete asked that every time there is a run that he be sent and email notifying him 1) that there was a run 2) run number 3) date of run 4) status of the run and status of the report in Leaders.

Coming in 2012 electronic posting will track every entry into a run report requiring us all to be more careful with run numbering. LifeQuest will be running the update to add this capability before the 1/2012 compliance deadline.

NEW BUSINESS Operational Plan - Pete is working on updating our plan. ANY changes in our service requires an update. If there are no changes in 2 years a renewal approval is required. The plan has to include all service policies. Information can be found on the DHS website (110-35 subpart E). South Shore needs to develop policies for 1) use of lights and sirens 2) dispatch and EMT response 3) EVOC driver safety training.

If EMTs take the Driver/Operator course it's free if completed and done with a fire department.

The Village Inn in Corny purchased a de-fib unit with funds they made from a fund raiser for that purpose. Cindy L has offered to train anyone that wants training. PW and Corny have defibs that Dennis has verified that are updated. Gayle will check with PW and Rhonda with Corny to see if either service has their own defib and if they do are they updated to 2010 standards.

About half the EMTs and one firefighter from each Corny and Port Wing have their individual training on the new rig. All others are encouraged to get the training as soon as possible.

Dennis and Joannie reviewed the school shooter training South Shore Schools. It appears like all involved services need more training as this training had some issues.

Next meeting July 11 - Meeting Adjourned.

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