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Home > South Shore Library > Meeting Minutes > 2011 Meeting Minutes > August 1, 2011

August 1, 2011

Aug. 1, 2011

Present: Marcia, Dennis, Gayle, Pete, Joan, Laurie, Tam, Larry, Judy

Reviewed last month's minutes. Gayle made a motion to approve the minutes. Joan seconded. All in favor.

Tresurer's Report: Tam asked which account should pay for the CPR books, cards, and manual. Discussion followed: The money will be taken out of the Ambulance account.

Bayfield Ashland County EMS Council Report: Tam & Pete reported the main topic was the state vs BAC protocols. Discussion followed.

Patty S. is a new resident to the area will be an EMT

Old Business
Pete reported:
1) FieldBridge printer is up and running. Discussion followed.
2) Destination vs intercept discussion followed
3) LEADERS /WARDS reports discussion followed
4) Budget changes: New billing contract for intercepts for Ashland.
5) Discussion followed. No changes with Gold Cross.

New business:
Pete presented:
1) Bylaws for the Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) formally known as First Responders, Discussion Followed. Changes were to add EMT's/EMR's. Changes will be sent to the members for review and a vote will be targeted for the October meeting.
2) AFG grant opportunities for Radio replacement
3) Fire fighter rehab unit - Discussion followed
4) Intercept Budgets, will present budget
5) SSAA Training with the SSFA at Jim's Automotive changed from October 1st to October 8th at 8am. SSFA would like EMTs/EMRs available with the sled and ambulance to have firefighters go through while waiting on training.
6) Cornucopia Days - Saturday August 13th at 12:45 Parade Need 2-3 EMTs
7) Concealed weapons - lengthy discussion - will post pone until later
8) Herbster Days - HVFD needing baked goods - also someone to help with the run on Sunday 7th early. Pancake breakfast 6-12 pm
9) Labor Day - Pete will bring the ambulance over early Saturday and Sunday, will need two EMTs on call all weekend, please sign up in advance so we can a sure we have a crew. Also the Sunday Parade.
10) HVFD Training August 27th in the evening, burning at Jim's. They would like the ambulance present.
11) Discussion on EMTs going out without being paged re: to a friends to do a BP or any type of EMS work, this should all be reported to Pete.

Motion made to adjourn by Joan
Seconded by Larry

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