South Shore Library
Meeting Minutes
2012 Meeting Minutes
> April 2, 2012
April 2, 2012SSAA Meeting minutes April 2, 2012 Present: Dennis, Gayle, Cindy L, Cindi B, Stacy, Joan, Patti, Larry B, Judy R. Gayle asked for a motion to approve the minutes: Motion by Stacy to approve the minutes, 2nd by Cindy L. Motion carried. BAC-EMS reported by Cindy L and Tam Northwest CEP wrote a grant to recruitment EMT’s. They have developed a video with local ambulance personal. Two recruitment events: Ashland Home show 4/20-22, 2012 and at the Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center Saturday, May 5, 2012. Posters will be put up around the area at local businesses. Volunteers needed for both events from SSAA. Gayle called for people to contact her if they are able to sign up. Interest from Stacy, Cindi, and Tam will be at May 5. Maybe others. Contact Gayle to confirm when one can help. Dr. Shultz: 1) Document, Document, Document. Write down everything that you do for people who are dead and other no transport. 2) New law upcoming on clearing head injuries at sporting events. BOTTOM LINE: Do not clear a head trauma/lose of consciousness sports injuries no matter how much the coach wants you to. Old Business: 1) Gayle reported: AED check, short discussion followed. No decisions made as Herbster Fire is meeting this week to discuss. 2) Larry reviewed information on the Smelt fry: April 14 Hours 3-6:30 helpers needed. Joanie will help. Others may also. New Business: 1) Gayle reported we will need to have elections for training officer. Stacy has stepped down. Discussion followed motion by Patti 2nd Cindy L. for Frank K. to be the new training officer. Gayle called for any other nominations. Hearing none Cindy L. called for closing nominations Dennis 2nd. Motion carried for unanimous ballot for Frank to be the new Training Officer. 2) Dennis reported on Flash training 3) Volunteers needed at April 20-21 recruitment event and on May 5th event at NGLVC 3) Gayle reported on up coming training: a. Train the Trainer Radio training April 24 Washburn at the EOC 7 p.m. EMT’s need to ask dispatch for the Herbster Fire Dept. to bring the Rescue sled the scene. The fire dept. will be the have the “Brush” truck b. Traffic control training, Discussion followed. Determined “Not in our scope of practice” as an EMT. c. LZ training, Discussion followed. Yes the EMT’s are interested in working on a training with the Fire Depts. 4) Maps, radio channels, and HazMat book training by Jan Victorson Wednesday, May 2, at 7:00 p.m. at the Herbster Fire Dept. meeting. EMT’s are welcome. 5) To apply for print out license form EMS website www.dhs.wi.gov/ems or https://www.wi-emss.org/public/wisconsin 6) FYI: South Shore Lions is looking at a “Volunteer Fair” No in house training for tonight. Discussion followed on recent calls. Up coming in-house training: Discussion followed on new equipment review and possible options to conduct training. Gayle will review these with Frank to help him come up with a plan. Example: Kendrick, spider strap, back wrap with padding, & stokes FYI: Larry reported that sometimes the station in Herbster is out of fuel. Do not let the ambulance get below ½ full fuel tank. Get fuel in Ashland or Iron River or Washburn if necessary although we do like to give business to Herbster when possible. To date the Cornucopia gas station is out of Diesel.
8:00 p.m. Patti moved to Adjourn Cindy L. 2nd motion carried |
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