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October 1, 2012

South Shore Area Ambulance Meeting
Monthly Meeting Minutes
October 1, 2012

Present: Patti, Dennis, Gayle, Marcia, Frank, Cindy L, Tam EMR: Larry, Paul, EMT student: Emily Town Rep: Sheryl
Started: 18:30
Approval of Prior minutes (Aug.) Motion Patti - and Marcia 2nd, carried
Treasurers report: none given
BAC Report: Annual dinner September 23

Field Bridge and Leaders: Training Oct. 22 6p.m. Laura Krist Tom Ketchum will be talking about awards program (VFIS) at 5 p.m.
Notes and attachments need to be saved for 90 days.

POLICY Committee: Living Document Cindy, Marcia Sheryl, Gayle

Discussion on the program followed.
Some suggestions were made for changes/additions.

  • Limited EMT/EMR Fire/Law Standby capped at $50.00
  • Max of points is 30 for Special Civic Functions, washing ambulance, O2 tanks changing, meetings (other than monthly ambulance), committee work, and ambulance related tasks as arranged by the director.
  • Added the word Skill to Annual Yearly Skill Review (Medical Director)
  • Add EMR to point D and J
  • Point A add ... unless otherwise by executive committee
  • Points A - J add &unless otherwise by executive committee
  • Point I take out the word perform to read require
Gayle reported that Laurie went to spend a day with dispatch. Word to the wise ... Do not call dispatch to repeat address. Press the button on your radio or ask another EMT. Unless the radio is beeping while the address is being stated.
Marcia asked about having a meet and greet for the new EMT's. Discussion followed maybe we could do this at the December party.
Gayle is writing a grant for 2 new radios
Dennis is building his action plan to test the O2 tanks

Adjourned: Patti motion to adjourn, Marcia 2nd motion carried.

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