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South Shore Library
Meeting Minutes
2013 Meeting Minutes
> January 7, 2013
January 7, 2013January 7, 2013
Present: Gayle, Patti, Dennis, Laurie, Joanie, Marcia, Frank, Tam Gayle called meeting to order. Motion by Laurie to approve October + November 2012 minutes - 2nd by Patti Tam reported on BAC including new information regarding refresher course possibilities (online, in-house for National Registry, not necessarily training center refresher). Some questions yet as to the details of this. Suggestion to ask Steve M from WITC to speak to us about these. Gayle reminded us to use the right template for fire runs and cancelled run s and uses the repeat patient function. Old Business 1) Gayle asked for vote regarding the 2013 changes to the incentive. Discussion followed but the group needed to review the changes before they voted. Patti made a motion to have the Incentive program for 2013 be e-mailed again to everyone and vote via e-mail. Joanie 2nd the motion and the motion carried. Gayle will send another copy of the incentive program via e-mail. 2) Much of the remaining 2012 budget was used for new students school fees and radios. 3) This years FAP money was/will be used for radios and pagers. Trainees need 1 permit to take participate in clinical and another to be able to act as a training EMT on the ambulance. At this point the trainee can come along as an observer in the front of the ambulance. No touching the patient. We have some pagers for new people. Discussion followed on pagers and radios and permits. Sheryl asked if we could set a time and date to get together for the policy book. TBA Gayle Continued with old and new business 4) Service awards need to be reviewed by the policy committee. 5) Discussion regarding use of SSAA funds. For clarification, there are three separate funds: The official town budget approved by the town Board; the SSAA bank account held by the Town of Clover but for our exclusive use on items not in the town budget that we need/want; the auxiliary fund which has no connection to the SSAA. It was agreed that in general the SSAA funds are to be used for continuing education and other expenses not covered by the official budget, including refreshments for the ambulance hall. It was also agreed that if there are expenses by students or EMTs that are to be covered by the town budget, the SSAA fund can be used to expedite payment to the person and be submitted for reimbursement to the town by the Treasurer. There is still some question as to process of approval for other fund expenditures. 6) In-house training discussion on topics and dates. Monday, February 4 CPR class will start at 6:00 pm for EMTs and EMRs. |
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