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South Shore Library
Meeting Minutes
2013 Meeting Minutes
> May 6, 2013
May 6, 2013May 6, 2013 Present: Dennis, Gayle, Laurie, Patti, Joanie, Frank, Emily, Tam, Larry. Paul Gayle called the meeting to order. Review the April minutes. Motion to except April minutes Laurie 2nd by Patti motion carried. Gayle reported on BAC EMS April meeting. Doc is interested in coming to visit the service. MMC will be putting in a key pad system in the ER and garage. New EMTs: May 18 is the practical EMT Basic test. The written test is on line. New EMTs and EMRs should be coming in June. Election of officers: Motion by Laurie for Gayle for Service Director 2nd Patti. Gayle called for nominations 3 times. Laurie motion to close and cast a unanimous ballot for Gayle, 2nd by Patti. Motion carried Larry motion for Laurie for Vice Director 2nd by Patti. Gayle called for nominations 3 times. Patti motion to close and cast a unanimous ballot for Laurie. Joanie 2nd Motion carried Patti motion for Frank for Training Officer 2nd By Joanie. Gayle called for nominations 3 times. Patti motion to close and cast a unanimous ballot for Frank. Joanie 2nd Motion carried Joanie motion for Dennis for Procurement Officer 2nd by Patti. Gayle called for nominations 3 times. Joanie motion to close and cast a unanimous ballot for Dennis. Patti 2nd Motion carried Joanie motion for Tam for Secretary/Treasurer. 2nd by Paul. Larry motion for Patti for Secretary /Treasurer. Laurie 2nd. Gayle called for nomination. Paper ballots were passed out. Emily counted the ballots. Winner via paper ballots Tam. Tam motion for Laurie for HIPPA Officer. 2nd. by Dennis. Gayle called for nominations 3 times. Larry motion to close and cast a unanimous ballot for Laurie. Tam 2nd Motion carried New Business. Frank reviewed the upcoming training schedule. Discussion followed. Gayle brought up the by-laws for a quorum. Discussion followed. Frank, Patti and Gayle will review by-laws. Frank expressed concerns about EMRs signing up on the web call schedule. His concern is that an EMR will preempt an EMT signing up. Others were not concerned this would be an issue. There was some discussion on adding a 4th sign up slot. This will be discussed further after all the new EMTs have been signing up for call for a while. Laurie reported on upcoming events. Laurie will put the dates on the web site. July 16-17 Bike Tour, Sac Slapper Race 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. June 15, PTO Harbor Walk/Run May 26 8:00 a.m., VFW Pancake Dinner May 26 at the Town Hall. High School Graduation May 25 Gayle brought up when do we want/need to have the refresher classes. Discussion followed. Gayle brought up the problem of EMTs and fire fighters not being plowed. Discussion followed. Gayle reminded EMTs to review and complete the computer run reports. On the run reports: If you scan something you need to attach it to the run. Make sure you complete the form and dates included. Laurie: Payroll drafts were given to all present. Those not in attendance may request their rafts so they can be reviewed. Everyone needs to check their on call and incentive and e-mail Laurie with any changes/updates before our next meeting in June as thats when the payroll will be turned into the town for June payment. Laurie reported: By the end of May you need to have at least 1 quarterly check. You need 3 quarterly checks for the incentive at the end of the year. Spring clean-up dates will be Thursday, June 6 from 5:00 7:00 p.m. any cleaning not done on the 6th will be done June 10, also from 5-7pm. Gayle reported that there is funding for EMR training to become EMTs and EMTs training/upgrading to paramedics. Patti motion to adjourn 2nd by Joanie. Motion carried. |
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