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Home > South Shore Library > Meeting Minutes > 2014 Meeting Minutes > January 6, 2014

January 6, 2014

Jan. 6, 2014
Gayle, Laurie, Tam, Frank, Patti, Leaf, Gus, Guy, Jenny, Marcia, Dennis, Travis, Joanie,
1st Responders: Larry B, Paul, Larry F

Gayle read meeting minutes from August. Approved Laurie 2nd Patti
Pattie 2nd Joanie November meeting minutes

Tam read December 12, 2013 minutes from BAC meeting. Reported on Ice Rescue meeting 12/17/13. Ice Rescue Resource summary will be laminated and posted in ambulance. Train-the-Trainer for Narcan (Naloxone), Tourniquets, and ADRC 1/2/14. Upcoming meeting 1/23/14 in Washburn EOC room; “The Future of EMS in Bayfield County.”

Gayle reviewed

  1. budget. Discussion followed Gayle passed out EMT/EMR Pay and Incentive sheets for 2014. Discussion followed.
  2. up-coming Refresher. Discussion followed
  3. Options for keeping track of incentive points. A notebook will be put in the hall to keep track of activities that count for incentive points.
  4. LOSA Discussion followed. New EMT’s need to sign up by January 31. See Gayle to sign up. Patti will check with the town on the questions brought up.
  5. Discussion followed on reporting on Leaders. Finish the run reports.
  6. Discussion followed on Pulse Ox meters. Motion by Travis 2nd by Guy to buy pulse ox for the EMT’s that would like one for their med kits. Motion carried.
  7. Run review. Discussion followed. REMINDER: 1) Complete the run reports in LEADERS.
  8. Take care of yourself.
  9. New folks need to meet with Larry or Paul to review driving the ambulance.

New business: Larry F. reported that Port Wing has a new hall.

Marcia reported that she does not have the KED. Marcia asked for a short meeting before the March meeting with Gayle, Frank, and Patti Larry B. Ambulance needs new tires and work done on the heater in the back of the ambulance. Mechanic has been notified but communication has been a problem.

Dennis reported that if the meds expire 1/14 that means it expires at the end of the month (always the end of the month listed on the med). Motion by Larry B to adjourn. 2nd by Dennis motion carried.

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